Monday, July 12, 2010

making the feet hit the pavement

I took last week off from running because it was just too hot still in the evening to run. Tonight I resume running and I'm taking Brenden with me. He starts football practice on Aug 2 so he's going to run with me to get ready for that again. Spencer starts flag football practice soon too but we don't know when that is it. He has tried to run with me a few times and can't keep up and I don't like to walk when I don't need to so now when he goes he takes his bike. Hopefully Brenden can keep up. I may have to slow down a bit (is that even possible? I run at a turtle's pace already:) just until he can keep up or at least be right behind me. With Spencer I'd still run when he was walking but when I'd get to about 3 houses ahead I could tell he was a bit scared with me being ahead of him (I always turned around and made sure I could see him) and he'd run to me even if he was worn out so I'd stop running and walk with him til he could run a little bit again. He's so great wanting to run with me. Cassidy wants to run with me so badly so I'm going to take her with me for 1 mile run one time just to have fun with her. She just scares me because she wants to go so fast and I'm afraid she's going to wipe out on the sidewalk and get hurt. Brenden hasn't run with me in a while so we'll see how that goes tonight. I imagine it going something like this "Brenden, put your phone away and run. you can talk to your friends later". Seriously though it will be fine as long as he paces himself. He tends to run too fast in the beginning and then can't breathe and run so he has to stop for a few and then start again. I have to teach him to breathe properly and pace himself and he'll do great. So as long as this rain stops, I'll be able to run. Of course I have run in the rain before when I was training for my races. I put on a poncho and out in it I went. It was cold, my pants got waterlogged and heavy but I did it and it made me feel like a hard core runner.

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