Thursday, April 21, 2011

Another 5K coming up!

I'll be running the Strides for Mental Health 5K in downtown Lancastesr, Ohio on Saturday April 30th. Brenden will be running it with me. After seeing me run it last year, both boys decided they wanted to start running with. However, only one can keep up. That's not entirely true, Brenden is faster than me! Spencer can't quite keep up, but he's 7. Brenden has been playing football for years and is 11 and he's just faster....all there is to it. He's hoping to finish in a good enough place to get a medal. I think it's the top 3 in his age group. His age group is 14 and under which could be sucky if there's a lot of kids older than him in the race. But with football on his side, he just very well may beat those other kids. I certainly hope so. I know I won't be getting any medals. My goal this year is to beat my time from last year. Last year this was the very first race I'd ever run and was proud of myself for finishing, but not proud of how undertrained I was. So this year I feel better prepared and I know how to stretch better too! Wish us luck!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ballet pictures

The boys get their time to shine here on my blog during football and basketball season. Today is Cassidy's turn. Parents don't get to sit and watch at ballet class every week, instead there are 2 times a year that she has parent observation week. Today was one of those days. And the recital will be in the end of May. So here are some pictures of our prima ballerina. She is really good and listens so well. She knows the routine without needing any help from the teacher. The purple outfit is the costume for the recital. Miss Susan had the girls try them on and run through the routine once in them. Then they changed back into their other dance outfits they came in today.