Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone is having a happy Easter. Yesterday we went to Richard's sister Pam's for dinner with all her kids and grandkids. I thought I'd go ahead and put some pictures on here for everyone to see from this morning and yesterday at Pam's for the Easter egg hunt. We had another Easter egg hunt this morning at our house. Right now my kids are sugaring up and playing. And I'm tired and it's only 1:12pm. They had us up at 7:23am!

The one above is the "running for the baskets" after coming downstairs this morning.

The picture above is Spencer and Cassidy looking outside trying to find where the Easter Bunny hid eggs in the backyard. It was so sweet. And the bottom picture is all the kids at Pam's.

1 comment:

B said...

Too sweet and the weather was beyond perfect on Sunday. Mine were up just shy of 7 a.m. and I could not get myself out of bed for nothing. I listened to them hunting about for their eggs and baskets, chuckling as they slipped into our bedroom to find a few. Course, we're still finding eggs because we didn't have a chance to count before visiting family and bringing more eggs home. Whoops!