Saturday, March 27, 2010

My boy is growing up....

Ahh the things boys will do for girls. Today was the cheerleading exhibition and Brenden wanted to go so we went. He had a couple of friends go too and they sat nowhere near me of course. I didn't care about that, I just didn't want to leave them there since it's not a basketball game where they can wander around freely. Brenden's friend Camry is a cheerleader and she asked him to come. That's just so cute! And when it was time for our school to cheer, I could hear Brenden cheering for them. He sat just a few rows up from the girls and I saw Camry come up and talk to him. Of course I was watching (and smiling) from afar. Elementary school crushes...aren't they cute. The boys even commented in the car afterward how our cheerleaders were so much better than the other schools. And they really were. Our girls have it together. And the fact that I've known them all since kindergarten doesn't make me the least bit biased LOL!

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