Tuesday, October 13, 2009

One week later, more miles added

It has been a week since I ran a mile for the first time. Running it, no walking. I continued that last week and today, one week later, I ran 1.25 miles. I've upped my speed just a bit to 4.2 miles per hour now. I ran a mile yesterday at a 4.5 mph speed and wanted to try to go further than 1 mile but my breathing was getting labored and I needed a break. But I ran that stinking mile in 13.41 minutes. That was awesome! I just wanted to increase my speed to see if I could do it and push myself and I did. But in order to build the mileage I need to slow down my pace. Today my mile mark was 14.30. I am not working on speed at this time, just mileage. When I get to 3 miles, the 5K distance, then I will work on the speed to have a better race time. I'm so proud of myself. Running has been really addicting! It's making me want to see how far I can go and that's an awesome feeling. Looking forward to my first 5K next year.

1 comment:

natalie said...

I am looking forward to it too!- the 5K that is! So, even though I am not your neighbor---arg!--- I still want to do that with you! Maybe we can meet a day or two during the week and run together! (or not- my kids would have to come :\)