Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I have had a hectic past 7 days!

Spencer has strep throat and his throat never hurt him. Go figure. I took him to the Dr because he was having headaches and really bad stomach aches and the Dr tested him for strep and it came back positive. I took Cassidy to the Dr on Sunday to the Dr on call for our pediatrician because she was running a high fever and her throat had been hurting her for a few days and she was tested for strep and it was negative. Again, go figure. The one with the sore throat doesn't have it and the one without it does. I have been so busy with mom since last Wednesday due to her surgery and I was at the hospital with her on Wednesday, Thursday, had to get presents for Spencer on Friday and prepare for his party on Saturday. Mom called me during Spencer's party and needed to go to the ER and I spent from 1:30 to 10:15pm with her there on Saturday and she was admitted and got out on Monday. She's ok, she was just feeling very nauseous and in pain from her surgery and they wanted to make sure there was no obstruction or infection and there wasn't. So on Saturday night Cassidy had a very restless night and was running a fever and saying her throat hurt and I could tell it had worsened so I took her to the Dr on Sunday morning because I didn't want her to suffer all day without medicine and I knew that I had to get mom out of the hospital in Columbus on Monday so I wanted to make sure that I could get Cassidy to the Dr. Then after I picked up the boys from school on Monday I had to go back to Mom's and take her her medicine and help her out a bit and Spencer was just not looking good at all. He started crying because his tummy hurt so bad so we left and when we got home both Spencer and Cassidy fell asleep on the couch and Cassidy threw up. She's still running a fever and having a sore throat so no doubt I'll be back at the Dr with her at some point this week. I took Spencer to the Dr yesterday (Tuesday) and he is home again today because strep is contagious for 24 hours. I had to go to mom's last night to make her some smoothies and pick up some medicine for her and make a quick run to the store. I have to go back tonight too since I can't go during the day with 2 sick kids. So as you can see, I have been going non-stop for a week now. Oh, and to top it all off, my van is in the shop getting fixed because something is up with the brakes and traction control system that they've fixed before (apparently not so well) so I'm driving my mom's car for a few days. I can't wait for everything to get back to normal around here.

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