Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Sick House.....Again

Easter day was nice and then everyone got sick! I had pictures planned for the kids for the Monday after Easter and Cassidy woke up throwing up so I had to cancel. I rescheduled them for Wednesday and then Spencer was sick, reschedule again. Should of known better but I didn't and I schedule them for Friday and Cassidy ends up with pink eye. So I called to cancel for the third time that week and the photographer and I laughed about it and I decided that I will call her this week on a day that everyone is feeling great and hope that she has time for us. I'm now shooting for Friday because it will be warm and a nice day and I just hope it works out. Of course Cassidy is still fighting her cold and today is Wednesday so we'll see. (fingers crossed) Wednesday is library day for me and Cassidy for toddler storytime and crafts and we had to stay home since she's been sniffling and coughing. We missed it last week to take Spencer to the Dr and he was home from school that day sick. And I got a call from the school on Monday afternoon to pick up Brenden sick from school. I was sick with a 24 hour stomach virus on Sunday and Richard wasn't feeling too great on Monday. So now I've been wiping down everything with sanitzing wipes and spraying lysol everywhere. As soon as I get the pictures done I'll post them. The kids really looked cute in their matching Easter outfits. (Have you ever known me to not match them?)

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