Monday, January 4, 2010

What's been happening here

The boys went back to school today. Everyone is feeling better now. It's snowing and we are expecting 2 inches today and it is freezing outside! Brenden has safety patrol duty this week so I made him wear a hoodie under his coat so he'd be extra warm standing outside for 20 minutes. And like a typical boy he tried to get away with wearing just his hood and I made him wear a tobogan. I've got lots of cleaning to do today. I seem to have taken Christmas break off too. My bedroom moved to tornado alley for about 2 weeks. I've still got wrapping paper and boxes to get out of there and stuff to put away. Oh, and laundry to do. And then I have to run 2 miles. You'll notice the mile tracker I added to my page to keep track of my mileage. The goal is 2 miles a day for now, I'll up it to 3 probably next month if I can. I have to be doing 3 for the 5k.

My dad and his girlfriend Julie came up yesterday with Julie's 2 grandkids Dane and Kiley. They are the same ages as Spencer and Cassidy. Dane is 6, Kiley is 3. They all got along so well, it was very nice. Kiley walked in the door asking where Cassidy is. That was so cute. Then the girls went upstairs and played. And Dane is very much like Spencer. He's quiet, polite and seems a little reserved like Spencer too. With 5 kids in here is was remarkably tame. They were all quiet and calm. It was awesome. Nothing like when Brenden's friends come over and they are all over the place and loud. Julie was great. They look great together and looked very happy too. I think they like seeing the kids all get along so well too. And Julie likes taking pictures and showed me some of the kids she took and she's so like me....takes several shots to get the perfect shot. We got along great. Ok, well, I have to go run now. I've procrastinated enough. I'll put the miles on my mile tracker later after I've actually ran them. I'm going to be honest about it and not put them on there til they are done.

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