Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Home Business!

No, I'm not soliciting any of you for anything, don't worry. I am an independent contractor for a virtual call center. Just finished certifying myself today. There are several clients I have opted to take calls for and can't wait to get started. I don't know if I'm allowed to say names of clients on my blog or the name of the company for privacy reasons so I won't. Some of the calls could be from customers calling in after seeing a commercial, others are just order taking and also for donation calls. I get paid per talk time and the amount varies per client. And there is also a client who needs licensed insurance agents and I'm going to get my license for Life and Health. Anyone who knows me personally knows that insurance was my only job before having Brenden and leaving the workforce so that would be wonderful to get back into. If I can't do my first choice job as an attorney (too many more years of college needed for that...not gonna happen!) then why not go with the second that is second nature to me, selling insurance. I'm going to wait until after taxes come back and see if I can get licensed then. I could make more money with my license and working for that company. This is exciting! With all the stress we've gone through over the past 7 months, it sure is nice to have some good news!


Becca Sue Congdon said...

Glad to hear the good news! Yay!

B said...

Glad to hear about the good news, too! Yeah!!! I don't know about you but I'm glad 2009 is adios. Let's all have a smashing 2010. Though smashing may not be the best word to use. I noticed the new running widget and I've been having that prob the last few days, too. Lower back is killing me, even while on the lowest treadmill setting and walking. I'm worried it's the plumbing acting up again. Mine doesn't like being jostled around. Just something to keep an eye on.