Thursday, February 3, 2011

A running road block

I have made it to 2 miles (all running) and my knee has decided to hurt. I ran on Monday and it started hurting a bit then on Tuesday morning it was feeling worse than the day before but I ran anyway figuring I'd play it by ear when I got on the treadmill and if it hurt too bad I'd get off. Well it actually felt better running on it but then afterward it started throbbing again. I iced it which made it nice and numb but the pain returned when the numbness wore off. So I'm taking the rest of the week off of running so I don't hurt it so bad that I can't run for months. It's actually feeling just fine again now, no pain at all but I want to give it plenty of time to properly heal so I can go back full speed ahead on Monday. I'll pick back up at 2 miles and move right along. I have run when I'm extremely tired, through knee pain and through just not feeling like it but did it anyway. I'm liking the change in attitude I see in myself and the dedication and follow through. I truly enjoy running and can't wait to beat my time from last year in my 5K on April 30th.

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