Both boys' teams won today! Spencer had his first game and Spencer scored the first touchdown of the game for his team. His team went on to win 18-0. Awesome for a team who had no plays planned out because the coach hadn't got that far yet. (In his defense, the coach was out 2 weeks with pneumonia for which he was hospitalized and the team only practices once a week) Spencer was so excited and proud of himself and of course we were too. His first ever touchdown, first time playing football, and he does it in the first game and early in the game. And Brenden's team won 25-0. Brenden is, as he calls himself, a beast on the field. He had lots of great blocks and on his pass play him and another teammate both went up in the air and caught the ball together and fell together but held on to the ball. It was a cool play and all the parents were cheering. There were a few other pass plays to him as well but the QB didn't quite hit the mark and threw too far above Brenden or off to the right of him. Brenden took it hard because he didn't want to miss those passes and the coach saw him clenching his fists and getting mad at himself and the coach told him it wasn't his fault, it was the QB for not getting the ball to him. So that was cool. And now of course we are home after a full day of watching both boys play football and what are we watching......FOOTBALL! Oy, me and Cassidy are gonna make some cookies in a few and then we are going upstairs to watch girl shows in mommy's room. I didn't even think to take the camera with me today but I will get pictures from both games next week and post them.