Thursday, September 30, 2010

Still undefeated

Brenden's team, the Rising Park Razorbacks, had another win last night of 31-7. It was an awesome game. They are the only undefeated team in the league and have 3 or 4 more games to go. The game was certainly eventful. The coach was taken away by ambulance during the third quater because his pacemaker shocked him. I believe he is doing ok because the assistant coach called him after the game with the kids in the huddle so the coach would know they won. One of the cheerleaders was so concerned and scared for him, she's such a sweetie. When she saw the coach sitting on the bench before it all happened she sat down with him and just sat with him talking to him making sure he was ok. Before it happened he hadn't been feeling well, I guess now we know why. I wonder why that happens? It's happened to him once before about 3 weeks ago during a game then too. Except that time he wasn't feeling bad, he just collapsed on the field when he got shocked. And then this morning I received an email from one cousin letting me know that our cousin Daisy had her baby boy yesterday as well. So congrats Daisy and I hope you and baby are doing well.

Friday, September 24, 2010

A working day off

I'm not working my insurance job today but I do have to clean the house and do laundry. Anyone wanna come do that for me? Just kidding....well, no I'm really not. The last thing anyone ever wants to do on their day off is work. I'm so busy through the week getting Brenden up at 6 and off to school by 7 then I have an hour before I have to get Spencer up and outta here by 8:30 and then Cassidy and I spend the mornings teaching her stuff, ballet on Tues, grocery shopping when needed and running/walking and then I work at noon every day. Followed by getting off at 4 and immediately starting supper to have it on the table by 5 and leaving for football practice by 5:30 and getting home after 8. And on Tuesdays both boys have practice! So you see I'm busy. I need to sweep, clean bathrooms, do laundry and mop today. Sounds fun doesn't it :( Cassidy likes to do the dusting so she's doing that for me. Well folks, I'm off to start my day o' cleaning.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

another day, 2 more wins!

Both boys had shutouts again. Spencer's team won 7-0, Spencer being the one who scored the only touchdown and the extra point as well. And Brenden's team won 14-0. Brenden had pass plays again today where he could have made a touchdown if the pass had ever been completed. Neither Brenden nor the other tight end were ever able to catch the ball in the passes because the quarterback didn't quite make it to them. He overthrows the ball or passes it where no one is. Brenden is in maroon and he's the one getting ready to hit #27 in the above picture. Below you see the back of him maroon #89 and he's not letting his man past him. Very good at blocking.

Below Brenden is again blocking #27.

Below is Brenden standing getting ready for the whistle to blow and take his man down.

And now for Spencer, he's #23 in white jersey and above he's taking the flag of the kid in green which is like a tackle in flag football.

Below you see Spencer ducking and weaving and avoiding getting his flags taken which resulted in his touchdown.

Below is the touchdown!

And the above picture is Spencer scoring the extra point after the touchdown.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

2 boys, 2 games, and 2 shutouts!

Both boys' teams won today! Spencer had his first game and Spencer scored the first touchdown of the game for his team. His team went on to win 18-0. Awesome for a team who had no plays planned out because the coach hadn't got that far yet. (In his defense, the coach was out 2 weeks with pneumonia for which he was hospitalized and the team only practices once a week) Spencer was so excited and proud of himself and of course we were too. His first ever touchdown, first time playing football, and he does it in the first game and early in the game. And Brenden's team won 25-0. Brenden is, as he calls himself, a beast on the field. He had lots of great blocks and on his pass play him and another teammate both went up in the air and caught the ball together and fell together but held on to the ball. It was a cool play and all the parents were cheering. There were a few other pass plays to him as well but the QB didn't quite hit the mark and threw too far above Brenden or off to the right of him. Brenden took it hard because he didn't want to miss those passes and the coach saw him clenching his fists and getting mad at himself and the coach told him it wasn't his fault, it was the QB for not getting the ball to him. So that was cool. And now of course we are home after a full day of watching both boys play football and what are we watching......FOOTBALL! Oy, me and Cassidy are gonna make some cookies in a few and then we are going upstairs to watch girl shows in mommy's room. I didn't even think to take the camera with me today but I will get pictures from both games next week and post them.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Happenings at our house

I've been so busy lately I don't always have time to update. So here's the latest news of the week. Some exciting news about Spencer, he's on student council. He loves it. His class voted for him as one of the two representatives from their class. First act of student council was pajama day today. If he keeps liking this (and I'm sure he will) maybe Spencer can be Tate's VP! (Tate is my cousin who plans on running for president in 2048) Second thing to mention is also about Spencer, he has whooping cough. He's been to the doctor 3 times in one month for the same cough and they blew it off the first two times and now that he's having difficulty breathing when he coughs they decided to test him for whooping cough. That was a very unpleasant test. Two swabs up the nose and down the throat. She felt confident in saying it is but has to wait for the test to come back to confirm but she is treating it as such and gave him meds and when the results come back confirming it she'll call in meds for everyone else. And Spencer has been vaccinated for whooping cough and the booster for it was just 2 years ago so vaccines aren't always 100% effective. Third, Cassidy loves ballet. She practices at home all week long. She is so excited about it and plays the teacher with the boys and makes them do ballet with her too. It's cute. And Brenden is at the age where he thinks it's cute too and does it to make her happy. And last, football is in full swing and we have 2 games on Saturdays. Brenden is doing well. He hurt his shoulder the other day but is plugging through it because it's football and these things happen. Spencer's first game is actually tomorrow and his coach really hasn't taught them any plays yet so we'll see how tomorrow goes for him. It's the coach's first year and he's taught them basics, just no plays. And I think that about wraps it all up.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How cute!

Cassidy started ballet today and loves it! She was singing a song about ballet on the way home and "I love, love, love, love (and it keeps going) ballet" were the words to the song. And of course I've got a picture of her in her ballet outfit to share. It was so fun to go to ballet after so many years of boy sports.