Sunday, June 6, 2010

Eventful Sunday Morning

We were woken up by the sounds of tornado sirens. I jumped up and said that's the tornado sirens and Richard grabbed Cassidy, Spencer met us in the hall telling us he heard the sirens too and we were telling Brenden to get up and lets go to the basement. Richard got Cassidy and Spencer downstairs and I was last one down right behind Brenden because he was woken up so abruptly and stood there for a minute listening to us but not comprehending what we were saying. The sirens went off for about 15 minutes then stopped and we came upstairs and turned on the news and then they started going off again. The sirens were sounding on and off for 45 minutes. Nothing touched down near us and I have no idea if anything touched down in our county at all, nothing has been reported on the news yet of any damages if any. But I do know that when I turned on the tv, 10tv was out. So that was our morning, I hope everyone else had a calmer morning than we did.

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