Friday, October 15, 2010

A day at the fair

We just got back from the fair. I'd post pictures but I can't feel my feet and I don't want to get up to load the pictures right now. We were there for 4 1/2 hours and Brenden is still there with friends. I have 1 picture of Brenden and his friend only because I spotted them on a ride and snuck over to take some pictures. I got one then got noticed and he ducked in every shot after that so I have an empty seat in pictures. So all the fair pictures are of Cassidy and Spencer. They rode the ponies and loved it. Cassidy can't stop talking about horses since July 4th when Holly said she has a horse and now Cassidy wants to ride it. So until we can get back down the West Union way, the pony ride had to do. We went through the barns and saw the big horses and clydesdales as well. We were looking for the sheep barn because a friend of Cassidy's from ballet has sheep there but they were all cleared out except for a few. Tomorrow is the last day so I guess a lot of people went ahead and left with their animals. They rode rides all afternoon, we had some corndogs and a funnel cake. Everyone can always tell when you've had a funnel cake because you get so much powdered sugar all over yourself. I'm so exhausted right now. I was going to come home and work but I've decided against that idea. I'll post pictures tomorrow probably.

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