Monday, March 22, 2010

First time at the YMCA

Today was my first time ever going to the YMCA. I ran and walked the track with my friend Natalie. We ran/walked 3miles. Both of us have only ever ran a little over 2 miles at one time so we did have to do some walking today. But it was great! The track goes in front of all the people working out though. So I am running past all the people lifting weights in front of the mirrors, walking and running on treadmills, etc. I was a little self conscious about it at first but I got over it pretty quick when I realized they are not watching me, they are there for themselves. So we are running together on Monday and Wednesday every week and after Easter we'll add Friday. So for now on Fridays I'll run around our neighborhood with Cassidy in the barbie car. On warm days we may move our running to the track at the fairgrounds or a local park or something. I'm looking forward to the 5k which is only a month away. I may not be able to run the entire 3 miles by then but I'd like to be able to run the entire 3 miles by the May 15 race. So that's my goal. And since I can run 2 miles now, 3 will hopefully be no problem by May. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

B said...

I signed my girls up for swimming lessons at a YMCA not far from us and have been debating a membership. (I'm afraid to ask and be horrified by the price.) It would be awesome though, while the girls are swimming for an hour, to get in time to run or walk, instead of just standing like a nervous wreck at the pool windows.